Discussion of Tax Reform – NAR Video
The analysts @NARGovtAffairs have produced video as they discuss concerns and consequences of the Tax Reform discussion. https://youtu.be/fesotPi5MKs
The analysts @NARGovtAffairs have produced video as they discuss concerns and consequences of the Tax Reform discussion. https://youtu.be/fesotPi5MKs
This Fall’s all-mail election ballots have been sent out. But, some people like to vote in person or need a replacement ballot. If you or someone you know would like to vote in person or […]
Looking for maps and information for the City of Glendale? The City published a Map Atlas containing demographic, land use, parks and rec, historic sites, water sources, planning boundaries, economic development areas, neighborhoods, Luke AFB, […]
Help @NARGovtAffairs impact and influence the Tax Reform conversation. If you signed up to receive Call for Action alerts from NAR (text or email), you recently received one that might have confused you. I received […]
Here in the West Valley and across the State of Arizona, agents and their clients need to disclose Military and Civilian airports and noise contours. This is best done by giving the buyer a copy […]
Surprise, Peoria, Buckeye, Goodyear, and most cities in the West Valley have limitations on the placement of temporary signs. REALTORS® and their clients should be aware of the ordinance requirements in their city. The Visual […]
October 5th the @AZSurprise City of Surprise Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed recent updates City Staff has made to some sections of the proposed sign ordinance. One of the sections had to do with temporary […]
@RecorderFontes announced ballots have been sent out for the all-mail election. Agents and their clients should realize the impact of bond issues, overrides and increased property tax rates on a property owner’s tax burden. Read […]
ADA, Fair Housing and Disparate Impact are issues REALTORS® struggle with each day. Is displaying your bilingual skills on a sign rider showing expertise or discrimination? Is the tenant’s animal a service animal, assistive animal, […]
Earlier this year in May, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision in Bank of America v. City of Miami. It is yet another fallout issue from the banking, lending and foreclosure crisis of […]
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