It’s just a few days before Thanksgiving and seems like a good time to review 2020 in Government Affairs.
It has been a busy and varied year, no doubt about that, but amid the confusion and changes has been opportunities for WeSERV and its members to impact and influence policy.
Early on we sent out a survey to members asking for their input on government policy as a result of COVID-19 and its affect on clients and our members. We have had several hundred members respond to one, two or all three of the surveys. We sent the same survey, but three times at different calendar points so that we had a better idea of the progression of policy affects.
Because our members responded and responded with detailed comments, we were able to provide detailed information, experiences and input that was valuable to Arizona’s Federal Senators, Federal House of Representative members, State Legislators, Arizona REALTORS, and NAR regarding the PPP program, EIDL loan and grant program and the PUA (unemployment insurance) program. We know of at least one instance when a Federal House of Representative member took our information and within an hour was presenting it to a House Committee.
Thank you to our members who took time to provide information and input. YOU made a difference and changed the conversation.
You can read COVID-19/Corona Virus blogposts and listen to podcasts at www.weservgad.org, click on Corona Virus.
In March, a few days prior to the shutdown, WeSERV hosted a candidate training academy. We were fortunate to have several candidates running for state and local offices attend. Not only did the candidates learn the nuts and bolts of running a successful campaign, budgeting and election laws, but WeSERV was able to meet and get to know candidates and introduce them to WeSERV and the real estate industry.
By March our Chapters in West Valley, Southeast Valley and Pinal were preparing to interview candidates running for city and county offices in the March and August 2020 elections. In September, our Cochise County candidate interview workgroup interviewed Sierra Vista City Council candidates running in the November election. All told our Chapters conducted several interviews in the months of March, April, May, June and September. A big thanks to our members who took time from their businesses to interview and recommend endorsement of candidates in these races.
As part of our 2-year involvement with MAG (Maricopa Association of Governments) and Luke Air Force Base, WeSERV was asked to be the coordinators for the housing portion of the Luke AFB Target Growth Initiative. We will continue working with Luke, MAG and the rest of the real estate industry to meet the needs of Luke AFB personnel. You can see the housing video and read the plan at www.weservgad.org.
We continue to provide input and provide information with context to cities. Recently we have provided input to the City of Surprise on changes to their Land Use Ordinance. We have provided input to the City of Glendale on their sign ordinance, landscape ordinance, parking ordinance and home occupations ordinance updates. In Apache Junction, WeSERV worked with City Council, development staff and our AR lobbyist to create mobile home policy regarding residents using recreational vehicles as homes. WeSERV provided input on the 2020 Gilbert General Plan so that REALTOR values were represented. In Queen Creek, WeSERV was able to impact the updated sign ordinance.
WeSERV has conducted multiple interviews with mayors, economic development directors and other city officials so that members and their clients are up to date on the cities, their economy and their actions going forward. WeSERV Government Affairs hosted or participated in presentations by numerous mayors, city council members, economic development directors and other city staff members and decision makers as we continue to create relationships with decision makers throughout our jurisdiction.
We continue to advocate on behalf of property managers and their clients to the Arizona Department of Revenue. We were able to help construct a property manager specific POA form and are currently working with DOR to create changes to the Business Change form so that property owners can better navigate the form. We will continue to advocate to DOR for changes necessary to the TPT system in order to respect and honor the property rights of the property owner and the contract rights of both the property manager and property owner.
Over the past several months we have worked with local Chambers of Commerce and the West Valley Chamber Alliance to provide helpful information and promote pro small business local policy, encouraging safe business re-openings, while limiting business owner’s liability.
Big Project updates, PPP limitations on standard deductions, fraud in the EIDL loan and PUA programs, Eviction and Foreclosure Moratorium updates, Election Results, information related to the LIBOR going away, court cases, Transportation and Infrastructure improvements, and new Arizona laws are all topics you will find at www.weservgad.org blogposts, videos and podcasts. You can also find all our Task Force Education flyers under Task Force Flyers.
Watch the WeSERV newsletters for information on the Government Affairs Committees, events, and forums at your Chapter coming in 2021. Have a suggestion or issue concern? Contact WeSERV Government Affairs and let us know. How can WeSERV help?