Well, as much as some people wish it wasn’t so, we find ourselves at the beginning of a long election year. Politically charged races vie for attention with other more low key races. But it all begins with a candidate qualifying for the ballot.
To begin with, if you are running for office this year at the federal, state or local level, the primary has been moved from August to July 30, 2024. Governor Hobbs signed HB 2785 on February 9th. That means all the deadlines have changed and are now 7 days earlier.
- Candidate Filing of nomination paperwork, petitions and financial disclosure is now March 2nd to April 1st for the July 30th primary. June 8th to July 8th for the General election non partisan offices.
- Candidate Challenge Period is April 2nd to April 15th for the July 30th ballot. And July 9th to July 22nd for the General Election.
- The Primary Election is now July 30th
- The General Election is November 5th
For voters, the voter registration deadline is July 1st for the July 30th Primary, and October 7th for the November 5th General election.
For those running for President of the United States, the process is different since the Presidential Preference election is coming March 19th and candidates must be nominated and selected by members of their respective parties. You can read more about the Presidential Preference election and how candidates are chosen by their parties at www.weservgad.org. Click on Candidates & Elections.
WeSERV Government Affairs interviews candidates running for local office the Government Affairs Committee voted to interview. In order to conduct interviews, we form Candidate Interview Workgroups for each city, town or County we interview. WeSERV members may join the Candidate Interview Workgroup for the race or races they are most interested in and have time to interview those candidates.
If you are a member of WeSERV and would like to help craft oral questions for candidates and help interview those candidates, please email weservgad@weserv.realtor. Check the preliminary WeSERV candidate interview schedule.
Each May NAR conducts its Mid-Year Legislative meetings in Washington, D.C. Members from across the country come to DC for one week of meetings with legislators, updates from NAR staff, and NAR committee meetings. This year, the Legislative meetings will be held from May 4-9th. Registration is open, so register now and book a hotel room before they are gone.
Each Spring Arizona REALTORS Association holds its Spring Conference. This year it is being held at Wild Horse Pass. Registration is open and I encourage you to register quickly as spaces fill up. The AR Spring Conference will be held from March 26th to March 28th.
WeSERV GAD: Advocating for private property rights, the right to private contract and YOUR business!