Carbon Monoxide: It is a silent killer and last winter it seemed every week the media told us about another person or family who tragically perished because of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
At the January 2018 Government Affairs Advisory Council Meeting, Allicia Roza-Carrozza asked if anyone wished to work with her, as part of the WeMAR Carbon Monoxide Task Force, to craft an education flyer. She realized agents, brokers and all WeMAR members could help spread the word about Carbon Monoxide, its dangers and more importantly, how to protect family and loved ones.
Eight members joined her, and we now have a Carbon Monoxide Flyer and Infographic you may use to educate your clients, neighbors, loved ones and friends.
Download a copy and hand it out. Help protect the important people in your life from the dangers of Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
Thank you, WeMAR Carbon Monoxide Task Force members:
Allicia Roza-Carrozza, John Theis, Justin Schlegel, Teresa Acuna, Wilma Purcell, Joyce Carnes, Susan Nicolson, and Ana Brown.