For those who live and work in Goodyear and the West Valley, you heard Mayor Lord describe the new Civic Center plans the last time she was on our stage and on our podcast last year.

Well, tomorrow April 23rd is the day of the long awaited ground breaking. The new Civic Center complex will be more than just a City Hall and will sit on land owned and donated by Globe Corporation at the Northwest corner of McDowell Rd and 150th Dr.
The Civic Center development’s full name is Goodyear Civic Center Square at GSQ. You may attend this even virtually. The City will be live streaming the event on their Facebook page and on their website at 10am.

The new Civic Square will include a new City Hall with state-of-the-art features, a new two-story library, a two acre park, 100,000 sf of Class A office space, restaurant/retail/entertainment space, and art telling the story of Goodyear.
To see artist’s rendering of Civic Center Square, City Hall and the Globe offices, go to the City of Goodyear website.