The City of Maricopa has updated its ordinance regarding temporary signs. WeSERV and its members provided input in writing and at City Council meetings as the city went through the ordinance update process.
WeSERV thanks the City of Maricopa for considering our input and suggestions.
Below are a few of the updated requirements for temporary signs:
- Offsite temporary signs must have the responsible person or owner name and contact number displayed on the sign. 18.115.120c
- Minimum sign setback from street edge (must also be on private property) – 5 feet. Table 18.115.120A
- In residential zoning districts, each single family residential lot with at least one principal structure may place up to 10 off-site temporary signs for the purpose of directing the public to a non residential use activity (e.g., real estate open house, garage/yard sale, estate sale). No more than one sign per turning movement within 1 mile from event shall be displayed. Table 18.115.120B
At WeSERV’s suggestion, the city provided an illustration of the Sight Visibility Triangle with setback distances illustrated. WeSERV thanks the city for the illustration as it becomes easier to understand the rule.

The updated City of Maricopa Temporary Sign Ordinance becomes effective July 20, 2023. You may read the redline version of the ordinance, the ordinance enabling language, and the chaptered version of the ordinance on the City of Maricopa City Code website.
Thank you to the WeSERV City of Maricopa Sign Ordinance Task Force:
Tena Dugan
Dawn Dutra
Lori Zelones
Jessica Noble
Shannon Reindl
Andrea Jackson