Tuesday, March 6, 2018, the Peoria City Council voted to approve the new sign ordinance as recommended by the Peoria Planning & Zoning Commission last month.
Overall, WeMAR is pleased with the sign ordinance. WeMAR members significantly impacted this ordinance right up to the last moment. Susan Nicolson was particularly effective as she gave recommendations at City Council meetings, Planning Commission meetings and directly to staff.
Here are some highlights:
- Increased size and types of signage.
- Temporary signs (including open house A-Frames) cannot be within the visual triangle. The contact information for the person responsible for the sign must be on the sign. This can be accomplished with a sticker. Pg. 22
- No permit is required for most temporary signs REALTORS® will be using.
- Temporary directional signs may be placed in the public right-of-way within one mile of the neighborhood. Once in the neighborhood, a directional sign may be placed at each location a turn is required in order to arrive at the open house. Pg. 25 &26
- Properties offered for sale, lease or rent with no access to a yard for signage may display a sign in the property window.
- Vacant land offered for sale, lease or rent may display one free standing sign up to 8 ft. wide by 7 ft. Tall, for every 600 LF of street frontage. Pg. 25
- Businesses located in commercial complexes or districts have an increased variety of signs including: swooper signs, banners, balloons, flags, A-Frames, window signs, etc. Pg. 24
- Sign size and lettering size overall is larger making signage more visible and legible overall.
Lorie Dever, City Planner, will be creating simple cheat sheets residents, property owners and businesses can use to determine sign requirements of the most commonly used signs. She has graciously agreed to send those to me for posting here when they are completed.
Thank you to my assistant, Kathy Basque, for representing WeMAR at this City Council meeting. I will post the new sign ordinance as soon as it is released.
Please let me know how this new sign ordinance impacts you and your clients. We will be revisiting this ordinance next year. The City has already said they will be reviewing the ordinance and proposing changes in 2019 based on community feedback.
WeMAR is impacting this and other sign ordinances, please help us continue to do that by providing me with the information of your experience.
Thank you to all the agents and brokers who gave input as WeMAR impacted and influenced this sign ordinance.