Thursday, February 1, 2018 the Peoria Planning & Zoning Commission met to discussed the Proposed Draft Sign Ordinance.
Overall, WeMAR is pleased with the Final Draft Ordinance. One of the most interesting items was the inclusion of property owners and their agents having access to the Public Right-of-Way one mile prior to the property to place temporary directional signs and the ability to place a temporary directional sign within the neighborhood at each location a turn is required in order to arrive at the open house property efficiently.
There are many other positive changes in the Proposed Sign Ordinance. WeMAR spoke in favor of the Proposed Sign Ordinance. You may read WeMAR’s comments below.
The Planning & Zoning Commission voted to recommend the City Council accept the Proposed Sign Ordinance. Watch the City of Peoria website to find out which City Council Meeting the Sign Ordinance will be presented for approval.
WeMAR’s Comments Before the Peoria Planning and Zoning Commission – Feb. 1, 2018:
Over the course of several months, WeMAR has worked with City of Peoria staff on the Proposed Draft Sign Ordinance. First with Melissa Sigmund, and later with Lorie Dever and Chris Jacques. All of them have been a delight to work with, informative and inquiring.
As late as yesterday afternoon we were communicating language suggestions to Miss Dever and Mr. Jacques. When applicable, changes were made in a matter of a few hours. This type of responsiveness is infrequent in business or government, and we appreciate it.
Overall, WeMAR is pleased with the updated Proposed Sign Ordinance you are considering this evening. We understand staff intends to reassess this ordinance in about a year’s time. We are pleasantly surprised at this initiative. We will gather input from our members over the course of the year so that we may provide relevant input at the appropriate time.
Miss Dever has shared a sample of a “cheat sheet” she will be working on so that members of the public will have access to quick reference materials regarding the most common sign ordinance types. I for one am grateful Miss Dever will be providing these additional tools. Once she has finalized them, WeMAR will post them along with a link to the City of Peoria website. We will also announce them in WeMAR communications.
The updated Sign Ordinance will be far reaching, if the City becomes aware of repeated issues with REALTORS® who are WeMAR members, please do not hesitate to contact me so that we may increase our education efforts and hopefully stop the reoccurrence.
Staff has indicated they will be providing us information regarding the appeals process should a sign owner have their sign taken by code enforcement. We look forward to reviewing that information.
WeMAR appreciates Staff efforts, time and energy in drafting this Proposed Sign Ordinance, as well as your efforts and time so that various concerns are addressed. We look forward to the many positive changes in the updated Sign Ordinance.