Government Affairs Update, Candidates & Elections, Government Affairs Meetings

A lot has happened in Government Affairs over the past few months. Join me for a quick review.

In April Mark Apel joined us for the Government Affairs meeting in Sierra Vista. Mark demonstrated the new water tool for the Upper San Pedro River Basin: the WHIP.

In May the candidate interview workgroups interviewed and endorsed candidates running for city council and mayor at cities and towns in the West Valley and the Southeast Valley.

You can review the list of WeSERV endorsed candidates and read a blog post on our process and criteria at

Arizona REALTORS® released their slate of endorsed candidates on June 29th. You can access AR link to the candidate list at

We are in the election season for the August 2nd primaries. Most local government races will be decided in that election, while state and federal races are primary races. There are some very important dates to remember. You can access a calendar of important election dates and find your state and federal legislative district maps at

The July Government Affairs Meeting is cancelled. The August meeting will be zoom only.

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