Judge Wismer, Firewise Training Interview, City Plans, Campaign Training and other GAD Events

At our January Government Affairs Advisory Council Meeting in West Valley, our Lunch & Learn guest was Judge Craig Wismer of Arrowhead Justice Court. Judge Wismer discussed the role of Justice Courts and the Justice of the Peace in Arizona courts, contract adjudication, court protocol and what you need to know if you appear before a Justice of the Peace. That video is now up on www.weservgad.org. Click on Videos.

In January our Pinal Chapter sponsored Firewise Training. Florence firefighter Rich Jones joined to talk about how property owners can make their properties more resistant to fire. If you missed our training and wish to become a Firewise Assessor, you may attend the Feb. 29th training in Sierra Vista.

City General Plans are being updated across the State of Arizona. This is your opportunity to let the city you live or work in know what you want your city to look like, live like and feel like in 10 years. Go to www.weservgad.org, click on Regulatory Updates to find a lists of cities and counties across the WeSERV West Valley, Pinal and Cochise area of service and let your local government entities know your professional and personal thoughts on future development, amenities, infrastructure and more.

For those of you who live or work in Surprise or Casa Grande, both cities are currently working on the update of their Land Development Ordinances, Design Standards and fees. If you live or work in Surprise or Casa Grande, lend your voice to the conversation and let me know your input so I may include it in the WeSERV comments.

Arizona State Legislature and WeSERV GAD bill updates.

GAD Events:
Coffee with Youngtown Mayor LeVault
Candidate Training Academy – Your Competitive Edge
Government Affairs Advisory Council April Meeting

Listen to us on the C-Suite Radio Network, Spotify and iHeart Radio.

WeSERV GAD: Advocating for private property rights, the right to private contract and YOUR business!