If you have driven the Loop 303 south of I-10 you know it is basically an off ramp to the shopping center. We all know the Loop 303 is planned to drop farther south and eventually join up to the proposed SR-30, but it has been a long wait.

Finally, another portion of the south Loop 303 is actively being discussed. On May 10th and 11th ADOT will be hosting public information sessions with opportunities for public Q&A. The planned 4 mile section between MC -85 and Van Buren is being designed with construction starting in 2025.
You may attend the May 10th in person meeting at Desert Edge High School Cafeteria (15778 W Yuma Rd, Goodyear) at 5:30pm.
You may also attend the virtual public meeting on May 11th at 6pm. ADOT has provided a public information page.
Here is the Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/4vzn6thr :
Meeting ID: 873 8781 5425
Join By Phone: 669.900.6833 (English)
866.730.7514 (español) pin de participante 984619#
You may also provide comments online through May 25, 2023:
- Online Comment Form: https://azdot.gov/L303MC85-VanBuren-CommentForm
- Phone: 480.695.4027 I Email: JTucker2@azdot.gov
- Mail: ADOT Communications, Loop 303, MC 85-Van Buren, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007