City of El Mirage Zoning Map & General Plan Update Sessions
Let’s face it, sometimes it is just easier to look at a color coded map rather than wade through the City Ordinaces. The City of El Mirage has published a City Zoning Map. The City […]
Let’s face it, sometimes it is just easier to look at a color coded map rather than wade through the City Ordinaces. The City of El Mirage has published a City Zoning Map. The City […]
Maricopa County has an interactive flood map you and your clients can use to determine a properties flood zone designation. Zoom in and click on the parcel. Up pops an information box.
Sometimes you or your client want to know zoning for an area or parcel. Land Use questions are common and can be looked up in the El Mirage Code of Ordinances. We do suggest calling […]
The Courts and their bureaucracy have been trying to impose mandatory eviction and notice forms on landlords. This amounts to legislating from the bench, since State law describes the needed elements for legal notice and […]
If you live or work in Wickenburg you may want to read the Town of Wickenburg General Plan. The plan covers development, redevelopment, roadways, anticipated growth, water resources, and other land use plans. Town of […]
The City of El Mirage has published its Capital Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2018-2022. Everything from roadwork and water infrastructure to parks and city government firewalls are detailed here along with the funding sources. […]
In an attempt to streamline and make the filing and payment of taxes by business more efficient and cost effective, Governor Ducey signed HB 2280 on March 24, 2017. HB 2280 requires electronic filing of […]
I attended Peoria Mayor Carlat’s State of the City Address yesterday. The city, council and staff seem to be working well together and have many projects planned.You can read her full remarks if you missed […]
OK, this is an AMAZING Peoria Interactive HOA map! Zoom in. Click on a color and up pops the HOA, management company, contact person, contact info. Have a client who doesn’t want an HOA? Easy-Peasy… […]
A tentative rebalancing scenario has been released for the 2017 Regional Freeway and Highway Program. According to MAG (Maricopa Association of Governments), the rebalancing program combined with current projects such as the I-10/Loop 303 interchange […]
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