Tolleson City Council & Mayor Profiles
Who is the Mayor of Tolleson? Here is a hint, she is one of us! She serves with a City Council eager to lead Tollison and provide opportunities for business and residents. @CityofTolleson
Who is the Mayor of Tolleson? Here is a hint, she is one of us! She serves with a City Council eager to lead Tollison and provide opportunities for business and residents. @CityofTolleson
Earlier this month FHA announced they would be reducing the annual MIP (Mortgage Insurance Premium) on loans closing on or after January 27, 2017. Today, FHA issued a Mortgagee Letter suspending that MIP reduction.
Are you a resident of Glendale? Ever wish you could have input in what happens before it gets to City Council or takes affect? Well now is your chance. The City of Glendale Boards and […]
In May 2016 WeMAR hosted an Economic Development Forum with guests speaking to the development along the 303. For those of you living or working in Goodyear, you are familiar with the growth near the […]
Keeping track of the large projects in your City can be time consuming. The Phoenix Business Journal provides a handy and easy to use mapping tool named Crane Watch (formerly Project Watch) so you can […]
Who are the Maricopa County Board of Supervisor members? See their profiles and the districts they represent. Not sure what district your home or business is in? Here is a district map. @maricopacounty
The City of Avondale City Council meeting has a couple of items that might be of interest to you and your clients: – Rezoning of 2005 N 103rd Ave from single family residential to apartments. […]
The City of Peoria is in the process of redrawing district lines per City Charter. In an effort to get public input, the city has scheduled several public open house events as well as provided […]
Today the Senate Banking and Urban Affairs Committee held its hearing on the appointment of Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). C-Span cameras were on hand. @cspan @SenateBanking @BankingGOP
Need to start or stop your water? Have water billing questions? Click Here for the water department. @AZAvondale
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