Earlier today Michele Reagan, Arizona Secretary of State, announced State Senator Steve Montenegro (LD 13) resigned.
Secretary of State Reagan has notified the GOP and now the short process begins to appoint someone to Mr. Montenegro’s Senate seat. ARS 41-1202 describes the procedure.
The GOP will have 3 days from being notified by the Secretary of State to give notice of the meeting to fill the vacancy to all elected precinct committeemen of the County the vacancy is in. Because the Legislature is not in session, the Precinct Committeemen have 21 days to nominate 3 candidates. The County Board of Supervisor will appoint one of the three candidates.
The 2018 State Legislative session opens January 8, 2018.
Mr. Montenegro is running for the U.S. House of Representatives in the primary for the Congressional District 8 seat recently vacated by Trent Franks.