In June, the Cochise County Board of Supervisors approved an updated Cochise County Accessory Living Quarters (ALQ) Ordinance, also know in other jurisdictions as and ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) ordinance.
Some of the most important elements were:
- The ALQ must be equal to or less then the height of the primary dwelling unit
- No more than 1 kitchen per ALQ
- Manufactured Homes and Mobile Homes may be permitted in some zoning districts
- Although you may use and ALQ for commercial purposes, but not for home occupations
- A completed ALQ application must be filled out and submitted to Cochise County Development Services
- The property owner must live in either the ALQ or the primary residence building
If an applicant’s permit is denied, the applicant may appeal to the Board of Adjustment
Read the changes made to the ALQ
Read the final ALQ
The newly updated ordinance will be posted online on at the Cochise County website on July 8, 2021.